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Experimental mycology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Isolation of fungal cultures from natural environemnt;

Methods of lboratory cultivation (submerged cultures, solid-state cultures);

Primary and secondary metabolism of higher fungi, higher fungi in biotechnology and medicine;

Mehtods of secondary metabolites study, investigation of antibiotic acitvities, chemical structure etc.;

Ligninolytic system of wood-rotting fungi, biodegradation of lignin and xenobiotics, Fentons systems and degradation of wood by brown-rot fungi;

Metal accummulation in mycelium of fungi, biosorption and its use in biotechnologies.


Course is focused on the work with laboratory fungal cultures. Attention is paid to methods of cultivation of higher fungi, preservation of strains, methods of isolation of fungal bioactive metabolites or study of enzymes of ligninolytic coplex and their utilization in bioremediation processes.


D. H. Griffin: Fungal Physiology. Wiley-Liss, NY 1994.