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A short introduction to chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only. 

This course summarize basic knowlege of analytical, inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry, with emphasis on everyday's laboratory work. Attention is among others paid to stoichiometry, calculations from chemical eqautions, pH, buffers. A basic survey of laboratory techniques based on spectrometry, chromatography and electrochemistry is given as well. Main topics: structure of atoms, molecules, periodic table, radioactivity, dosimetry, biological effect of radiation. Electronic envelope of atoms, basic concepts of wave mechanics, chemical bonding. Basics of laboratory practice. Purity of chemicals, safety when working with toxic substances. Weighing, volume measurement, preparation of solutions. Distilled and deionized water. Use of ultrasound, cooling in the laboratory. Concentration of solutions, calculations from equations, theory and practice of pH measurement. Electrolyte solutions, dissociation. pH calculations. Buffers and buffering capacity. Product of solubility and sparingly soluble salt. Brief repetition of nomenclature of inorganic substances. Examples of English nomenclature. Fundamentals of qualitative analysis of inorganic substances, group and selective reactions of the most common cations and anions. Overview of classical quantitative analysis of inorganic substances. Dragonfly and volumetric analysis. Principle and use of UV-VIS spectrophotometry, atomic absorption spectrometry. Lambert-Beer's law. Brief overview of descriptive organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur derivatives, amino acids, sugars. Organic solvents, polarity, volatility, boiling point, flash point. Miscibility of solvents. Classical analysis of organic substances. Lassaigne test, elementary analysis. Evidence of basic functional groups of organic substances by classical methods. Modern techniques of analysis of organic substances. Determination of chemical structure. UV-VIS, IR, NMR and MS spectrometry. Requirements for the measured sample and possibilities of methods. Separation methods. Precipitation, crystallization, centrifugation, distillation, extraction. Theory and practice of chromatography, HPLC, GPC, GC, TLC, PC. Sources of chemical information, magazines, internet databases.  


This course summarize basic knowlege of analytical, inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry, with emphasis on everyday's laboratory work. Attention is among others paid to stoichiometry, calculations from chemical eqautions, pH, buffers. A basic survey of laboratory techniques based on spectrometry, chromatography and electrochemistry is given as well.


U. Kask, J.D. Rawn: General Chemistry, WCB Dubuque, 1993.