2. Příprava rozmazaných vzorků krve a kostní dřeně: fixace metanolem, Giemsa
3. Příprava vzorků ražby vybraných orgánů - sleziny, brzlíku, lymfatických uzlin, varlat, fixace mozečku pomocí methanolu, Giemsa
4. Příprava fluorescenčně značených vzorků (detekce plazmatických buněk ve slezině, charakterizace vývojových stadií spermatogeneze ve varlatech)
5. Příprava imunofluorescenčních sklíček pro fluorescenční mikroskopii (fixace, permeabilizační blokování, barvení primárními a sekundárními protilátkami, DAPI, vložení do Mowiolu)
1. Preparation of histological specimens: the procurement of tissues and organs (mouse), fixation, drainage using ascending series of alcohol, embedding in paraffin, cutting on a microtome, staining with hematoxylin / eosin, closing in Canadian balsam.
2. Preparation of smearing specimens of blood and bone marrow: methanol fixation, Giemsa
3. Preparation of stamping specimens of selected organs - spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, testes, cerebellum fixation with methanol, Giemsa
4. Preparation of fluorescently labeled specimens (detection of plasma cells in the spleen, characterization of the developmental stages of spermatogenesis in the testis)
5. Preparation of immunofluorescent slides for fluorescence microscopy (fixation, permeabilization blocking, staining with primary and secondary antibodies, DAPI, embeding in Mowiol)
1. Preparation of histological specimens: the procurement of tissues and organs (mouse), fixation, drainage using ascending series of alcohol, embedding in paraffin, cutting on a microtome, staining with hematoxylin / eosin, closing in Canadian balsam.
2. Preparation of smearing specimens of blood and bone marrow: methanol fixation, Giemsa
3. Preparation of stamping specimens of selected organs - spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, testes, cerebellum fixation with methanol, Giemsa
4. Preparation of fluorescently labeled specimens (detection of plasma cells in the spleen, characterization of the developmental stages of spermatogenesis in the testis)
5. Preparation of immunofluorescent slides for fluorescence microscopy (fixation, permeabilization blocking, staining with primary and secondary antibodies, DAPI, embeding in Mowiol)
Designed for those interested in histological methodologies, suitable as a supplement lectures on histology. Recommended to take the course first year of bc. study after finishing the Practicals of Cell Biology. This is a basic course of histological techniques, where students learn about preparing smearing, stemping and cutting types of histological specimens, including fluorescent variant of staining.
The course is taught with the support of the project ESF pro VŠ II na UK, Reg. num.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_056/0013322