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Practical course in animal and human physiology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Physiology of nervous system: brain function (EEG) and sensory system of human

Physiology of urinary system: glomerular filtration and clearance of rat

Physiology of heart and circulatory system under rest and physical training

Muscle physiology: physiological and molecular principles of muscle contraction    


Practical Course in Animal and Human Physiology provides a practical demonstration of selected physiological functions.

Physiology of nervous system: brain function (EEG) and sensory system of human

Physiology of urinary system and digestion: glomerular filtration and clearance of rat kideny, amylase function

Physiology of heart and circulatory system under rest conditions and physical training

Muscle physiology: physiological and molecular principles of muscle contraction

Only noninvasive procedures on animals or humans are used.

Applicants interested in participation at this course are expected to have basic theoretical knowledge of physiology at the bachalor level.