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Regulation Mechanisms of Immunity

Class at Faculty of Science |


INTR0DUCTION Cells of the immune system, T and B lymphocytes, immunoregulatory cells, antigen-presenting cells, cooperation between cells of the immune system, immunological memory. Other cell types important for immune regulation (MDSC, MSC) IMMUNREGULATIONS BASED ON CELL TO CELL CONTACT Antigen-specific receptors, costimulatory molecules, Fas, FasL, TRAIL and other immunologically relevant membrane molecules. INTERACTIONS AMONG CELLS BY SIGNALLING MOLECULES Properies of cytokines, interleukins, cytokines in pathologies and potential therapies OTHER IMMUNOREGULATORY MOLECULES TNF, IFN, TGF, prostaglandins, cytokine network REGULATION OF CELLULAR AND HUMORAL IMMUNE RESPONSE Development of T and B cells, determination of Th1 or Th2 responses, the role of T cell subpopulations. IMMUNOLOGICAL TOLERANCE Induction, neonatal tolerance, mucosal tolerance, nonspecific suppression, mechanisms of tolerance.


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

The individual lectures describe cellular and molecular mechanisms which regulate specific immune respose. The main emphasis will be devoted to the immunoreglatory cells and their products - interleukins and other cytokines which regulate or modify the final expression of immune respose. The possibilities and approaches to regulations of the immune system in experimental and clinical models will be presented. Especially, the possibilities how to enhance immune response (during tumour growth or in various infections, in immunodeficiences) or to specifically inhibit immune response (after transplantation, in autoimmune diseases or allergy) will be discussed.