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Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basic terms; functions and components of the immune system.

2. Phagocytes and other cellular components of non-specific immunity.

3. Complement and other non-adaptive mechanisms.

4. Inflammation.

5. Antigen-specific receptors.

6. MHC glycoproteins-presentation of peptide fragments.

7. Adhesion receptors, Fc-receptors and other surface molecules of leucocytes.

8. Cytokines.

9. Signalling receptors used by immunoreceptors.

10. Antigen-specific receptors of T- and B-lymphocytes: mechanisms of repertoire generation.

11. Immune reactions based on T-lymphocytes and NK-cells.

12. Immune reactions based on antibodies.

13. Regulation of the immune syste.

14. Mucosal and skin immune system.

15. Anti-infection immunity.

16. Anti-tumour immunity.

17. Transplantation.

18. Immunopatho-logical reactions.

19. Autoimmune diseases.

20. Immunodeficiencies.

21. Possible therapeutic interventions in the immune system.


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

The lecture course provides a broad basic overview of modern immunology with emphasis on molecular and cellular principles of functioning of the immune system. The second half of the course dels with the roles of particular immune mechanisms in the defence agains various pathogens, in anti-tumor responses and in various immunopathological reactions (autoimmunity, allergies, immunodeficiencies).