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Molecular Immunology

Class at Faculty of Science |



1. Introduction

2. Methods in molecular immunology

3. Receptors of innate immune cells recognizing pathogens in our bodies = PAMP, DAMP, danger theory

4. Pattern-recognition receptors (TLR, RLR, NLR, CLR), inflammasome

5. Receptors of NK cells & NKT cells and their development

6. MHC proteins function - classical and non-classical

7. Diversity of TCR and BCR

8. Introduction to Wikipedia entry LECTURES IN SUMMER SEMESTER:

9. Mechanisms of signaling via immunoreceptors

10. Activation of T and B cells - the role of costimulatory receptors

11. Polarization and migration: cytokines, chemokines - their receptors and signaling

12. The rest of important receptors: adhesion molecules, Fc receptors and complement receptors

13. Immune cell signaling networks and protein interaction domains: posttranslational modifications, interactome, systems biology

14. Disease biomarkers related to immune system

15. Tissue-specific immune mechanisms

16. Everything you always wanted to know about immune system Additional topics: - Characteristic markers of leukocyte subpopulations - Principles of modern methods in immunochemistry, molecular biology and biochemistry - Epigenetic control of immune cell function - Biotherapeutics and biosimilars/biobetters - Molecular structure/function relationship - Experiment design The lecture is available in presentation slides (pdf), which summarize the discussed topics. The presence at the lectures is essential for full understanding. ONCE MORE: the winter course "Immunology" plus passing the exam during previous year is a prerequisite for participation in this course.


Please note: the lectures are given in Czech language only. Advanced 2-semestral lecture course focuses on substantial broadening of your knowledge about selected molecular mechanisms of immune system functioning that were covered within the previous basic course "Immunology" in the winter semester last year. It is essential to pass the exam (Immunology - MB150P14E) prior to subscription to this course. I fully recommend to pass also the course MB151P103E: Immunology - a systems biology view in the previous summer semester. We shall not discuss the basic theory of immune system components once more, we focus more on the links between selected molecules and their function within the immune system and the physiology/pathology in immune-related human disorders. The course is targeted to: - 1st and 2nd class of MSc. curriculum in Immunology, - PhD students in biomedicine, incl. medical students, - 3rd class of Bc. study (only for those aiming at MSc. study in Immunology / after passing the basic Immunology course a year earlier). In winter semester we will cover: (1) methodology introduction (2) molecular mechanisms of generation and function of innate receptors, immunoreceptors and MHC proteins, NK receptors. In summer semester we will touch more the complex systems approach: (3) coreceptors, cytokines/chemokines and their respective receptors and other ligand/receptor pairs; coherent implication of essential signaling pathways and transcriptional programs to the full functioning of immune cells; (4) systems biology view on molecules of the immune system and their causative relationship to human disease: functional genomics, interactome, metabolome, domain a motif assembly of interacting molecular partners.