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Physiology of Thermoregulation

Class at Faculty of Science |


Temperature, heat, physical concept. General principles of heat homeostasis, poikilotherms, homeotherms. Regulation of body tempeture, anatomical structures, skin and core temperatures as input of signals in controls of heat production and heat loss, endocrine factors. Shivering, nonshivering thermogenesis, uncoupling protein, physiological and biochemical aspects. Adaptive responses to heat and cold in animals and men, adaptive limits. Hibernation, aestivation, pharmacological aspects. Fever, phases of febrile process, cytokines and prostaglandines, natural antipyretics.


Thermoregulation. Physiology and Biochemistry. Eds.: E. Schonbaum, P. Lomax, Perganom Press 1990


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

Specialized lecture on the control of body temperature in vertebrates. Facultative for students of animal physiology and neurobiology, as well as for other interested students of Mgr. degree.