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Biology of the Cell

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Internal organization of the cell, construction and function of cell compartments - cell theory, a cell in a light microscope, subcellular structures and compartmental arrangement of eukaryotic cells, comparison of bacterial cells, archaea and eukaryotes, types of eukaryotic cells, differentiation of multicellular organism cells, types and structure interaction with the host cell.2. Proteins and their functions in the cell - structural hierarchy of proteins, motifs and domains, protein-protein and other interactions, supramolecular complexes - ribosome, proteasome, spliceosome, etc., synthesis and distribution of proteins in the cell, folding and participation of chaperones, cleavage and modifications, protein turnover.3. Membranes and transport - biomembrane structure, composition, biogenesis, and function of a lipid bilayer, function of membrane proteins, receptors, membrane potential, transmembrane transport of substances, types of transport.4. Internal membrane structures and transport - endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex - biosynthesis and transport, vesicular transport, endo- and exocytosis, lysosome, vacuoles, peroxisome, hydrogen transfer.5. Semiautonomous organelles - mitochondria, chloroplast - structure, semiautonomy, proofs of origin, contribution to the energy balance of the cell.6. Anatomy and function of the cell nucleus - structure of the nucleus - nuclear envelope, nucleoskeleton, organization of genetic information - chromosome, chromatin, principles of genetic preservation and utilization, information, nuclear transport of macromolecules.7. Communication between cells, multicellularity - types of signaling - endocrine, synaptic, paracrine, contact, receptors - membrane and nuclear, intracellular signal transporters, molecular switches, signaling cascades and their integration.8. Shape control and cell movement - cytoskeleton, microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments, molecular motors, and other associated proteins, the participation of plasma membrane and extracellular matrix proteins, cell junctions, cell interactions with the extracellular matrix, types of cell movement, and their use in multicellular organisms9. Cell division and cell cycle - cell proliferation, interphase, nuclear division and division apparatus, cytokinesis, cell cycle control, cell growth regulation, apoptosis, tumor growth.10. Cells of the immune system and immunity - the role of cells in the immune defense system, multicellular organism, receptors, antibodies, MHC and other components, principles of B and T cell activation, recombination and mutation as a basis for immunoglobulin variability, clonal selection, inflammation.


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

The course provides the essential information of cell biology (cell organization, infrastructure, function of the particular structures, and research methodology). The arrangement of the lecture follows modern textbooks, Alberts et al.: Molecular Biology of the Cell či Lodish et al.: Molecular Cell Biology.