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General and comparative physiology

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Sylabus pro 2019/2020:

1.     Úvod do srovnávací fyziologie (Petr Telenský)

2.     Energetický metabolismus (PT)

3.     Termoregulace (PT)

4.     Trávení (Jiří Pácha)

5.     Exkrece (JP)

6.     Respirace (JP)

7.     Kardiovaskulární systém (JP)

8.     Humorální regulace (JP)

9.     Pohybová soustava (PT)

10.   Smysly a komunikace (PT)

11.   Nervová soustava a kognitivní funkce (PT)

12.   Imunitní systém (JP)


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language only.

This course extends basic knowledge gained by studying the subject Animal and Human Physiology or Basics of Animal Physiology. It provides information about general principles of physiological regulations of body systems and functions. The main focus is in comparative approach of basic physiological functions using different examples of both vertebrates and invertebrates. It is compulsory optional for prospective students of Animal Physiology program and can be cocommended for other student interested in physiology.