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Cell Biology for geobiologists

Class at Faculty of Science |


- Cell - cell theory, cell under the microscope, the anatomy of the cell, unity and diversity of the cell, bacterial cell, animal cell, plant cell, viruses and their life cycle, methods of the cell study.

- Chemical components of the cells - proteins, sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotides, their structure and function in the cell.

- Membrane structure and membrane transport - function of the lipid bilayer, membrane carrier proteins and their functions, ion channels and the membrane potential.

- Intracellular compartments and transport - vesicular transport, secretory pathways, endocytic pathways.

- How cells obtained energy of the food - the breakdown of sugars and fats, storing and utilizing food, energy generation in mitochondria and chloroplasts.

- Anatomy and function of the nucleus - nucleus is the information store of the cell, structure of the nucleus, nuclear envelope, chromatin, structure of chromosomes, structure and function of DNA, DNA replication, DNA repair, from DNA to protein, gene regulation, genetic variation in bacteria, gene transfer, bacterial mating, viral genomes.

- Cell communication - forms of the cell signaling, intracellular receptors, main classes of the cell-surface receptors, intracellular messenger molecules, molecular switches, intracellular signaling cascades and their integration.

- Cytoskeleton - microtubules, actin filaments, intermediate filaments, motor proteins and intracellular transport, cellular movement.

- Cell division - cell proliferation, cell cycle, mitosis, cytokinesis, meiosis, cell-cycle control and cell death, programmed cell death, difference between the normal and the tumor cells.

- Immune systems - cells of the immune defense of the metazoan, receptors, antigens, antibodies, MHC glykoproteins, defense against foreign molecules, viruses and bacteria, inflammation.

- Extracellular matrix and connective tissues - cell wall of the plant and bacterial cell, extracellular matrix, epithelial sheets and cell-cell junctions, tissue maintenance and renewal, and its disruption by cancer.

- Embryonic development - programmed cell movements, changes in the genes expression, pattern formation, cell memory


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

The course provides the essential information of the cell biology. The information about the intracellular sorting and the maintenance of the cellular compartments, structure and function of biomembranes, ionic and molecular transport, cytosis, the energetic metabolism, cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, principles of organismal genetic, immune system.