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Neurobiology of Behaviour, Learning, and Memory

Class at Faculty of Science |


General aspects of memory phenomena, definition of memory. Types of memory (declarative, non-declarative), procedural, Learning (memory acquisition) Storage of memory. Consolidation. Retrieval. Reconsolidation. Modes of memory (defined on the basis of storage time, modalities. Reflex pathways, Conditioning (emotional, classical)

* Spatial memory and orientation of animals as a model of human higher cognitive functions.

Geographical, topographical navigation. Navigation to perceptible and hidden goals. Idiothetic and allothetic navigation. Tolman's seminal experiment. Cognitive maps.

Engrams and their properties: Molecular mechanisms, the function of receptor systems, and signaling transduction pathways. Consolidation> Expression of specific genes, Protein synthesis. Lateralization of Memory. Interhemispheral synthesis. Interhemispheral transfer. Forgetting and extinction.

Biochemistry of Memory: Receptor and neurotransmitter systems, neuronal plasticity. Hebb's concept of memory. Protein kinases, calmodulin kinases. Protein kinase Mzeta. Long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression. Plasticity-related proteins. Specific role of AMPA and NMDA receptors.

Methodological approaches to memory study in humans: Basic concepts of neuropsychology, neuropsychological assessment. Memory test. Corellation of memory test performance with imaging techniques. Test of working memory, test of executive functions. Virtual and real mazes. Early diagnostics of amnesic syndromes with memory tests.

Study of memory in animals: Analysis of behavior in experimental environments. Morris water maze./ Other spatial and non-spatial memory tasks. Laboratory mazes. Study of animal behavior in natural environments.

Human neuroanatomical substrate for memory: Brain structures underlying specific types of memory. Working memory - phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, executive functions.

Neuroanatomy of memory in animals: Hippocampal function - spatial or relational memory, Amygdala-emotional memory, Basal ganglia - motor habits. Role of prefrontal cortex. Function of specific neuronal circuits.


Hippocampus and hippocampal-dependent memory: Specialized cells participating in the representation of space. Place cells, head direction cells, Various functions of hippocampus. Emotional, spatial behavioral inhibition

Pathophysiology of memory in clinical practice. Amnesia, Parietal neglect. Examples on patient with brain lesions. Patient H.M. Functional imaging techniques. PET, MRI, etc.

Experimental interference with memory in animals. Aim: study of neural substrate of memory, and its mechanisms. Lesion and reversible inactivation techniques. Genetic manipulations, knockouts, and their influence on memory. Transgenic animals.

* Excursion to the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory, Institute of Physiology of Academy of Sciences.


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.

Behavior, learning and memory belong to intensively studied manifestations of living organisms, attracting the attention of experimental psychologists, neurophysiologists, ethologists, pharmacologists etc.

The course will introduce the students into basic concepts of memory study, mostly from the neurobiological perspective.

The course is optional for the students of Master's degree, mainly for the fourth grade, or for the first term of the fifth grade of the study of biology. Recommended finished courses prerequisite for this one> Neurobiology, Animal and Human Physiology.