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Single molecule microscopy and manipulation - practical course

Class at Faculty of Science |



Recording a single molecular motor protein walking along a microtubule or following diffusion of proteins in living cells became almost routine tasks, allowing to get insights into molecular interactions of biomolecules. Single molecule microscopy and manipulation practical course focuses on optical based methods of detection, characterization and even manipulation of single molecules. The aim is to highlight the uniqueness of single molecule based methods for uncovering the mechanisms of molecular interactions in biophysics, but also to show participants the real laboratory world of single molecule experiments.

The course covers traditional methods of single molecule observation using TIRF based wide-field microscopy and confocal microscopy combined with spectral and excited state lifetime resolved detection. The single molecule manipulation, including force measurement and confocal imaging of the manipulated molecules, is performed using the optical tweezers. The methodologies covered include single particle tracking and various modifications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.