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Fluorescent histology - practical course

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Theory of fluorescence techniques

2. Preparation of cross-sectional microscopic preparations from transgenic (or injected fluorescent probes) models

3. Use of fluorescent probes and antibodies

4. Study of cellular processes in vivo in situ

5. Preparation of whole mount histological preparations Advanced microscopic techniques including teaching practical microscopy and data analysis


Fluorescence histological methods have revolutionized the study of developmental processes. Practical exercises will enable to understand principles of fluorescence histological techniques, preparation of preparations and their microscopic processing.

Genetically modified model organisms of evolutionary biology - nematode, frog claw and mouse expressing fluorescent proteins will be used. During the practical exercise, microscopes acquired from the OP VVV project - light sheet microscope, virtual-slide microscope and life-cell imager will be used intensively.

The main aim of the practical exercise is to acquaint students with modern approaches to the study of developmental processes that do not resign to the complexity of cellular arrangements.