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Advances in developmental biology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) From genotype to phenotype – Developmental information stored in DNA outside of protein-coding sequences - Jiri Pergner The lecture will start with a reminder of textbook knowledge about non-protein coding information stored in DNA, particularly the structure of promoter sequences, miRNAs, and long non-coding RNAs. This knowledge will be broadened with recent information about their relationship to the Developmental processes. Next, the lecture will provide an overview of recent views on primary nuclear DNA sequences necessary for its organization in 3D space and the importance of such spatial distribution to the Developmental processes.

2) Gene regulatory networks and their features - Vladimir Soukup Gene regulatory networks (GRN) during development, their features, logic, hierarchy, and spatial and temporal sequence. GRN components and mutual relationships, module examples, nods and their networking, inputs and outputs, cis-regulation. GRN during embryonic development and cell line specification in sea urchin model. GRN modifications and the evolution of body plans, evolutionary stability of Kernels, and plasticity of periphery parts. Evolution of new characters by modifying existing GRNs or co-opting GRNs for new features.

3) Early embryogenesis of non-vertebrates - Marie Macurkova New views on the mosaic and regulatory development, asymmetry, the effect of the stochastic gene expression, and comparison of the early embryonic development regarding well-established and new non-vertebrate model organisms.

4) Jan Mašek - Advances in Early Vertebrate Embryogenesis Embryonic stem cells, iPSCs, organoids, gastruloids, and in vitro embryos

5) Regulation of gene expression in organogenesis - Marie Macurkova Signalling pathways regulating the development of selected organ systems, differences, and similarities among various animal groups, transcriptomics on the organ level.

6) Advances in Epithelial Developmental Biology - Robert Černý Ectoderm-endoderm interactions in developing vertebrate head

7) Advances in Mesenchyme Developmental Biology - Robert Černý Neural crest-derived mesenchyme as a prime example of developmental biology of mesenchymal cells

8) Limb development in vertebrates - Vladimír KrylovEmergence of the limb bud, polarization of the developing limbs, the role of hox genes and their gene products including downstream signalling pathways. Failures during limb development, evolutionary comparison of the limb development among vertebrates.

9) Embryonic development of the organs basis in vertebrates - Vladimír Krylov Embryonic development of the heart, digestive and respiratory tract, primary gonads and kidney. Evolutionary comparison.

10) Regeneration - Vladimir Soukup Regeneration vs. healing. Examples of regenerating tissues in the animal kingdom, regeneration in vertebrates. Tailed amphibians as masters of regeneration. Tail and limb regeneration. Dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and cellular processes during regeneration. Regeneration as a repetition of development?)  The course is taught with the support of the project reg. number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362


The course put emphasis on the broadening the student´s knowledge regarding the advances in the developmental processes gained during bachelor study. Very important aspect is the leading the students toward critical thinking about published data and the ability to analyse the scientific text and present the data in front of the informed audience.