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Systems Immunology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Please note: the lectures are given in English language only. The course is a follow-up of a previous Immunology - a systems biology view - MB151P103E.

A basic, one-semestral course on immune system functioning from the systems biology point of view. The course is based on data-driven practical experience and is a compatible supplement to the hypothesis-driven classical education in immunology (e.g. winter semester MB150P14E Immunology). In this practical tutorial, you are going to work with large datasets and compare your results to the author's claim in a selected article(s).

We are going to repeat the corresponding knowledge of both the immunology topics and the -omics technologies used in the article during the first lesson, followed by an example of 1-2 current studies in systems immunology.

The exam starts with a short general test and follow by a report on your data analysis and the result comparison to the original article - either selected by a tutor or by you.

Please consider parallel courses: Methods of functional genomics (MB140P86), Analytical methods in cancer and population genomics and transcriptomics (MB151P113E) and Spatiotemporal modeling and simulation of biological systems (MB151P115E) - all given by experts from EMBL Heidelberg and MPI Dresden in the summer semester. At the genomic level there is a recommended course UNIX and work with genomic data (MB170C47), although it would be better to get some knowledge in “single-cell” transcriptomics, which is not held at the faculty yet.

There is no qualification prerequisite however, I would strongly recommend you to pass the basic course (winter semester MB150P14E Immunology) to all students.

The course is suitable for students of biology, medicine, chemistry. It is targeted to students of 3rd (BSc.) and 4th (1st MSc.) year (including Erasmus+) as well as PhD students in biomedical fields. Students who would like to continue with the MSc. study in Immunology are expected to pass both immunology courses: Immunology (MB150P14E) and Systems Immunology (MB151P142E).