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Algological Course

Class at Faculty of Science |


The combined field and laboratory "Algological course" is held for one week at the field station Lužnice by Třeboň. Live samples of plankton and periphyton are sampled from the nearby ponds and examined in the lab under light microscope, documentation is provided by a digital camera and drawing. The objective of the course is getting acquaintance with the main groups and species of algae and cyanobacteria (both plankton and periphyton) of eutrophic water bodies. Occasionally, the freshwater microfauna (protozoans, rotifers, copepods and cladocerans) are studied as well.. The course brings practical knowledge of biota mentioned in lectures "Hydrobiology", "Limnology" and "Ecology of Cyanobacteria and Algae", "Physiological ecology of phytoplankton".

1. Die Binnengewässer - verschiedene Bände der Reihe "Das Phytoplankton des Süsswassers". E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagbuchhandlung, Stuttgart.

2. Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa - verschiedene Bände. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena/Stuttgart.

3. Hindák F. (ed.), 1978: Sladkovodné riasy. Slovenské pedagogické nakladatel'stvo, Bratislava, 724 p.

4. Maršálek B., Keršner V., Marvan P. (eds.), 1996: Vodní květy sinic. Nadatio Flos aquae, Brno, 142 p.

5. Ven den Hoek C., Mann D.G., Jahns H.M., 1995: Algae. An introduction to phycology.- Cambridge University Press, 627 pp.


The combined field and laboratory "Algological course" is held for one week at the field station Lužnice near Třeboň. The objective of the course is getting acquaintance with the main groups and species of algae and cyanobacteria (both plankton and periphyton) of eutrophic water bodies.