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Ecology of lentic ecosystems

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction - general characteristics of lentic habitats, factors/resources ruling the ecosystem, adaptations for aquatic life

2. Temperate stratified lakes, mono-/ oligo-/ poly-mictic lakes

3. Famous freshwater lakes of the world

4. Shallow lakes and ponds

5. Salt lakes & Soda lakes (endorheic)

6. Subterranean lakes, karstic systems

7. Temporary waters (vernal pools, open summer/warm pools, puddles, thelmes); arctic pools, peatbogs...

8. Reservoirs

9. Extreme habitats - e.g. epishelf lakes, subglacial, thermal lakes, cryoconites etc.

10. Acidification, Eutrophisation

11. Fish & Fisheries (carp production)


The lecture broadens basic knowledge about ecology of inland lentic aquatic habitats in all their scales, ie. from large lakes to ephemeral pools. An elementary knowledge of limnology and freshwater organisms is welcome.