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Biology of Helminths

Class at Faculty of Science |


Introduction to helminthology (definition of the subject, importance of helminths, characteristics of the main groups, methods, and terminology). Life cycles of helminth (types and phases of life cycles).

Phylogeny and classification of helminths. Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa. "Turbellaria" (parasitic representatives).

Neodermata. Trematoda (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa).

Monopisthocotyla and Polyopisthocotyla (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa). Gyrocotylida, Amphilinida, and Eucestoda (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa).

Syndermata. Acanthocephala (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa).

Annelida. Hirudinea (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa).

Nematoda (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa). Nematomorpha (characteristics, morphology, development, life cycles, evolution, and classification, an overview of the main taxa).


The lessons (in Czech) are intended for advanced students (3rd year of bachelor level, 1st-2nd year of master level, Ph.D. students) focused on parasitology/zoology. The lessons belong to the keystones of the parasitology curriculum.

The main aim is to explain parasitic helminths' life strategies and adaptations to their hosts (humans, vertebrates, and invertebrates). The lessons cover several main topics: taxonomy and phylogeny of helminths, life cycles, morphological, and to some degree also, biochemical, physiological, and immunological adaptations of helminths to transmission and parasitism.

The following main taxa are covered: Lophotrochozoa - Platyhelminthes ("Turbellaria", Neodermata: Trematoda, Monopisthocotyla, Polyopisthocotyla, Cestoda), Syndermata (Acanthocephala), Hirudinea, Ecdysozoa (Nematoda a Nematomorpha). The information on these groups includes life cycles and transmission of helminths, morphology, epidemiology, pathobiology, diagnostics, control, and treatment.

It is recommended to enroll in Helminthological practice (MB160C28) simultaneously.