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1 History of protistology. Protista x Protoctista x Protozoa x Fungi x Eukaryota. Definition of protistology and its relationship to protozoology, algology, and mycology. History of protist research, development of the protist and eukaryotic system. (IČ)  2 Origin of the eukaryotic cell. Definition of eukaryotes and structure of eukaryotic cells. Origin of the eukaryotic nucleus (archaebacterial origin, hypotheses of chimeric origin, origin from DNA virus), origin of mitochondria (endosymbiotic theory, alphaproteobacterial origin of mitochondria, Ox-tox hypothesis, hydrogen hypothesis, when mitochondria originated), origin of Golgi complex, origin of the endoplasmic reticulum. Origin of the eukaryotic flagellum. What did the first eukaryote look like? Did or did there be amitochondrial eukaryotes? Timing of significant events in the evolution of eukaryotes. (VH) 3 Plastids, Archaeplastida (PŠ) 

Origin of plastids. Primary, secondary, and tertiary plastids. Kleptoplastids. Archaeplastida - Glaucophyta, Rhodophyta, Viridiplantae, Rhodeplhidia. 4 Excavata (Discoba and Metamonada), Malawimonadida (IČ)  5 Amoebozoa (Lobosa, Pelobiontida, Entamoebidae, Mycetozoa) (IČ)  6 Rhizaria (PŠ)  7 Sar - Ciliophora (IČ)  8 Sar - Myzozoa (VH)  9 Sar - Stramenopiles, Rhizaria. Cryptista, Haptista (PŠ)  10 Obazoa, Eukaryota incertae sedis (VH)   11. Phylogeny of eukaryotes and the position of the root of the eukaryotic tree (VH)  12 The importance of protists (PŠ)


The objective of the course is to introduce the unicellular eukaryotes, i.e. the protists in the broader sense. The attention is paid namely to the endosymbiotic origin of the eukaryotic cell, mitochondrion and plastid, characterisation of the individual lineages of unicellular eukaryotes, their phylogenetic interrelationships and their relationships to multicellular organisms.

The course is recommended to students of the second grade and is not directly connected to other courses. Completion of the Cell biology course is an advantage.