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Field parasitology for postgradual students

Class at Faculty of Science |


This field course in the agricultural landscape of the Danube Delta is focused on demonstration and identification of arthropods, helminths and protozoa parasitizing mainly in farm animals (and partly also in wild animals). In an international conditions and under the guidance of veterinarians, students will learn the handling of domestic animals and the techniques of sampling and processing of various samples for parasite detection and identification.

The course documents ontogenesis and life cycles of selected groups of parasites in natural conditions. Emphasis is placed on methods of parasite collection, including parasitological examination of various hosts, methods of fixation and preservations of parasites and subsequent processing for their identification etc.

The course includes also various catching techniques developed for collecting of blood-sucking Diptera (light and CO2 traps etc.), their identification and dissection for the presence of transmitted protozoa and helminths; isolation of parasites and their cultivation in vitro etc.


Optional course of field parasitology (Summer School: Field Parasitology). Field excursion to the area of south-eastern Romania (Danube Delta); course will be conducted in cooperation with students and teachers of the University of Cluj and students and teachers of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences in Brno.

This field course is focused on internal and external parasites of farm and wild animals, trapping and determination of blood-feeding insects and other arthropods. Students will have their own research projects within the field course (collection, processing and evaluation). This international course may also take place in other suitable locations in cooperation with local universities (eg Azerbaijan - Baku University, etc.) in some years.

Financial participation of students is assumed.