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Advanced Ecology - practical course

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basic models of population growth and regulation - logistic equation (also with added stochasticity), May equation generating cycles as well as deterministic chaos. SS

2. Predator-prey interactions: Basic Lotka model, models with added resource limitations, models with different functional responses, Rosenzweig-MacArthor model, herbivore-plant models with vegetation regrowth. SS

3. Spatial community models, metapopulations, dominance- and founder-control modeled by cellular automata, the emergence of spatial patterns. SS

4. Functional diversity computation and spatial patterns DH

5. Neutral theory of biodiversity dynamics SS

6. Life tables and age-structured population models, life histories, trade-offs (may include also allometric curves for scaling traits with body mass) VR

7. Metabarcoding in ecology research. Two sessions: 1 h of basic concepts of metabarcoding and

1.5 h -2 h of hands-on session with Dada2 pipeline in R. Keystone concepts: Data processing steps (primer removal, clustering,dereplication, chimera removal, taxonomic annotation), ASV Vs OTU, linkage with ecological questions (i.e. pollination studies or marine ecosystems), from OTU table to study of communities. GUG

8. Thinking about ecology: Collective discussion about selected ecological concept and it historical development DH


The course serves as a practical complement to Advanced Ecology I and II. It is designed to help students to touch practically some of the theoretical concepts introduced in above mentioned courses.

Thus, it aims to enhance understanding of selected ecological topics. The content of the course changes between years and generally the nature of the lessons varies depending on the topic.

It provides practical insights into mathematical definitions of ecological concepts, analytical approaches, ecological pattern visualizations, data collection and develops skills in ecological thinking.