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Stream and river ecology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basic hydrologic and hydraulic elements (explanations, attitudes to their evaluation)

2. Streams as ecosystems holistic concepts of streams.

3. Anthropogenic pressures: pollution, hydromorphologic alterations.

4. Pollution - sources, inputs to the streams, distribution on the ecosystem.

5. Habitats in running water ecosystems.

6. Biocenoses of various types of habitats.

7. Typologies of aquatic ecosystems based on organisms assemblages, attitudes to the assessment.

8. Production and destruction/transformation processes.

9. Assessment of the river ecosystems and methods oriented to the quality of water and that of biocenoses.

10. Assessment of the river ecosystems and methods oriented to the description of morphologic structures and habitats.


The course deals with basic structural and functional characteristics of running waters as ecosystems. Connects the knowledge of ecology, limnology, biology of aquatic organisms with the field of hydrology and hydraulics and that of anthropogenic pressures - evaluation and fundamentals for the protection and wise use.

Please note that the lectures are given in the Czech language, only. However, international students can subsitutue the lectures with self-study from recommended textbooks.