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Genome evolution

Class at Faculty of Science |



1. Genome Origin first living systems; co-evolution of nucleic acids and proteins; RNA world; genetic code *

2. Gene Evolution definition of genes; types of genes; basic structure of a gene; exons and introns; gene families; pseudogenes; number of genes in genomes; non-coding DNA; origin of new genes; horizontal gene transfer *

3. Genome, Transkriptome and Protheome first genomes - linear or circular; genome types - prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome (mitochondrias, chloroplasts); genome size and its changes during evolution; repetitive sequences; transcriptome and protheome - genome expression *

4. Methods of Genome Study sequencing (DNA, RNA sequencing); bioinformatics; gene and physical maps; molecular cytogenetics; methods of molecular biology; flow cytometry *

5. Evolution of Genome Organisation and Comparative Genomics genome compartmentalization; anatomy of eukaryote genome- chromosomes; chromosome number; rearrangements in genome organisation; synteny; polyploidy; phylogeny *

6. Genome Dynamics repetitions; mobile genome elements; retroelements; DNA transpozones; origin and evolution of mobile elements; spreading of mobile elements; role of transposons in genome rearrangements; transposone silencing *

7. Unique Characteristics of Some Parts of Genome evolution of sexuality; sex determining mechanisms (environmental, genotypic); sex chromosomes and their evolution; mitochondrial genome, chloroplasts *

8. Effect of Environment and Genome Evolution effect of environment on gene expression; connection between genome changes and environment changes; global environment changes; relationship between genome and phenotypic characteristics of the organisms *

9. Human Genome Evolution human genome organisation (proportion of exons, introns, repetitive sequences); evolution of human; recent selection detectable in human genome; use of knowledge of human genome (in medicine); human genome rearrangements in connection with cancer, aneuploidy *

10. Applied Genomic Research and Different Sub-fields of Genomics searching for genetic changes responsible for adaptive traits; GMO; new approaches in medicine; pharmacogenomics; immunogenomics; metagenomics; phylogenomics; epigenomics; sociological impact of genomic research and ethical question marks


Evolutionary genomics is a progressive topic of biological research. Together with the increasing availability of whole genome sequencing, this topic with its aim to answer basic evolutionary questions is growing. The most important questions of this body of work are “How and why is the genome size changing?” “Do some species have more coding DNA than others and if so, why?” “Which changes in genome are connected with the main evolutionary events?” “How do organisms differ in genome organisation?” This study tries to explain how the changes in genome content and organisation are connected with the biodiversity on Earth and which processes formed these changes. Genome Evolution as an independent university topic covers different aspects of science arising from the research of the genome and its evolution and comparison between different organisms. This series of lectures will lead the students through the field of evolutionary genomics from the basic principles, across the comparative genomics and uniqueness of some genomes or genome parts (for example sex chromosomes) to the practical aspects of application of genomic research in human society. The subject is aimed at MSc. students. For a greater understanding of this subject a basic knowledge of evolutionary biology and genetics is required. For an even deeper understanding of the topic in the more general scale I recommend attending prior this course or at the same time, lectures such as Evolutionary Genetics, Evolution of Phenotype, Evolutionary

Genetics of Human or Molecular Ecology.