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Freshwater ecosystems

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. general features of aquatic enviroment , chemical and physical properties of water structuring the aquatric ecosystem, and also from the point of an aquatic organism - locomotion, sensing, feeding, breathing etc.

2. Large stratifies lakes: typical features, seasonality in mixing, ecology of typical lake organisms, PEG seasonality model , DVM (diurnal vertical migrations), geographical overview of important large lakes (polar, mountain, temperate, tropical)

3. shallow lakes and ponds: typical features and organisms , their ecology.  Saline and soda lakes, carp ponds of central Europe

4. Small permanent and temporary lentic waters (pools, ephemeral vernal ponds, puddles, thelmes - typical features and organisms , their ecology. Diapausing, dispersion, metapopulations

5. Extreme or marginal habitats (eg. peatbogs, hot springs, subterranean waters, cryoconites etc.):  typical features and organisms , their ecology.

6. Streams - springs, brooks, rivers , reservoirs. RCC and other concepts. Hyporheal. Nutrient recycling. Geography of major rivers.

7. Streams - overview of stream organisms, their ecology (feeding, locomotion, reproduction and life strategies, antipreadtion behaviour etc).


The lecture gives a comprehensive overview of inland aquatic habitats on Earth, both lentic and lotic, in all scales, coming from large lakes to ephemeral puddles, from springs to big river estuaries. Peculiar and extreme aquatic habitats are also included (eg. cryoconites, hot springs, dendrothelms, subterranean waters).

The focus is on the basic ecological structures and interactions specific for each type of habitat, including the role of key ecological players (dominant/important groups of aquatic organisms).