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Ecology of aquatic organisms

Class at Faculty of Science |


1.      Introduction (Černý) a.

2.      Aquatic organisms - overview of groups (Černý) (3 hod)a.      Diversity of aquatic organisms in freshwaters                                                    i.     Plankton                                                    ii.     Benthos                                                   iii.     Comspolitanism, geoghraphic aand other patterns/gradiensts in distributuion, invasive species  .      Differencies  between marine and freshwater diversity / dominant gropus

3.      Primary producers (Nedbalová) a.      Introduction to ecology of phytoplankton b.      Cyanobacteria (planktonic  and benthic)                                                     i.     major ecological chracteristrics                                                   ii.     Typical/important representativesc.      Algae (sensu lato) - (planktonic  and benthic) major ecological chracteristrics                                                   ii.     Typical/important representatives

4.      Freshwater microbs (Fuksa) (3 hod)a.      generel ecology of freswater microbsb.      baceria and viruses c.      heterotrophioc protozoans

5.      Zooplankton and  zoobenthos (Černý, Sacherová) (18 hod)a.      general intro  – permanent vs facultative zooplankton , life cycles  b.      taxonomic overview - ecology of major gropus (Porifera, Cnidaria , Turbellaria, nemerthini, Rotifers , Gastrotrichs, nemathelmithes, nematomorphs, mollucs, Anenllds, Tardigrades, Arthtopods , bryozoans.

6.      Fishes (Zuzka Musilová) a.      general ecology – b.      species overview - Europe


The lecture gives an overview of organisms inhabiting inland waters focusing namely on their ecology and role in the ecosystems. It covers microbiological communities, phytoplankton, macrophytes, aquatic invertebrates (plankton, benthos, pleuston) and vertebrates.

The lecture is intended for students of nonbiological study programmes.