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Basic bioacoustics

Class at Faculty of Science |


·       General introduction: history of bioacoustic research, sound characteristics, infra- and ultrasound, sound recording and analysis, practical use of bioacoustics

·       Vocal communication: general patterns of communication, costs and benefits of acoustic communication, conventional vocal signalling

·       Communication networks and motivation-structural rules: eavesdropping, audience effect, etc. in communication networks; interspecific vocal communication

·       Variability in intraspecific vocalisation I: geographic variation

·       Variability in intraspecific vocalisation II: Temporal variation; Song and territoriality, duetting; Individual recognition

·       Vocal communication in poor visibility: Ultrasound and underwater vocal communication  


The lecture is planned as an introduction to the bioacoustics with focus on behavioural aspects of vocal communication. 2 hours every second week