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Zoology of Vertebrates

Class at Faculty of Science |


A general survey of taxonomic, morphological and ecological diversity of the phyllum Chordata. Detailed characteristics of all major clades and their phylogenetic relationships.

Patterns of functional morphology, adaptive design and biodiversity including survey of typical species. Special attention is paid to the vertebrate fauna of Europe. next information on:                       


Practical course supplementing MB170P13B and A. Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only. A general survey of taxonomic, morphological and ecological diversity of the phyllum Chordata. Detailed characteristics of all major clades and their phylogenetic relationships. Patterns of functional morphology, adaptive design and biodiversity including survey of typical species. Special attention is paid to the vertebrate fauna of Europe.

References: Pough FJ, Heiser JB, McFarland WN, 1996: Vertebrate life. 4th ed. Prentice-Hall, London.

Pough F. H., Ch. M. Janis, J. B. Heiser, 1999: Vertebrate life. 5th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International..

Hickman CP, Roberst LS, Larson A., 1997: Integrated principles of Zoology. Wm.C.Brown, Chicago. Kardong KV, 1995: Vertebrates: Comparative anatomy, function, evolution. Wm.C.Brown, Chicago.
