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Ethology and sociobiology

Class at Faculty of Science |


This is a Czech version of the course. For Erasmus students are given the lectures in English with code MB170P106!

Practical course takes place in ZOO Praha.

History of ethology, motivation, hormones and behaviour, neural mechanisms - reflex, stimulus, learning, traditions, adaptive value of social living, basic experiments in ethology; innate and learned behaviour, optimalization in behaviour, mating and reproductive strategies, altruism; senses, filtration of stimuli, signals and receptors, orientation and navigation, biorhythms.

Veselovský, Z. 1992: Chováme se jako zvířata? Panorama, Praha, 244 pp.

Alcock, J 1998: Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach. Sinauer

Associates, Sunderland, Massachussetts.