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Vertebrates of Central Europe

Class at Faculty of Science |


- Survey of external characters used for the species identification of lampreys and fishes. Identification of selected Central European species. - Basic information about distribution and ecology of lampreys and fishes in Central Europe, survey of introduced species. - Survey of external characters used for the species identification of amphibians.

Identification of Central European species. - Basic information about distribution and ecology of amphibians in Central Europe. - Survey of external characters used for the species identification of reptiles. Identification of Central European species. - Basic information about distribution and ecology of reptiles in Central Europe - Geographical distribution, ecology and identification characters in all Central European mammals. - Introduced mammal species and changes that have occurred in the composition of the Central European mammal fauna during last 100 years. - Identification of Central European species of insectivores, rodents and bats (stuffed specimens). next information on:                      


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language. English version of the course can be requested in advance if there are at least 5 students. Basic information about the morphology, ecology and geographical distribution of Central European species of lampreys (Petromyzones), fishes (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptilia), birds (Aves) and mammals (Mammalia). The special attention is paid to the fauna of Czech Republic.

Examination is oral.


Gorner M., Hackethal, H., 1987: Säugetiere Europas. Leipzig: Neumann Verlag.

Maitland P. S., 1994: Freshwater fishes of Britain and Europe. London: Hamlyn.

Arnold E.N., Burton J.A.,1978: A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain and Europe. London:Collins.