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Comparative cytotaxonomy of vertebrates

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Vertebrate genome, chromosome and cell dynamics, history of chromosome research, methods in chromosomology, information value of chromosome data in phylogeny

2. Prevertebrate groups, increasing genome size

3. Lampreys, hagfishes and sharks, skates and rays - polyploidy, one of the main evolutionary mechanism

4. Fishes - latimeria and primitive frogs, dipnoans, bichirs, sturgeons and garrs - microchromosomes and their eveolutioanry persistence

5. Unsexual vertebrate systems - modes of reproduction, biology, taxonomy and nomeclature, reveiw of known cases

6. Fishes - four main radiation of actinopreygians, karyotype characteristics of lower and higher teleosteans

7. Amphibians - apodans, karyosystemtics of frog and toad groups, polyploidy, evolution of African Xenopus 8 . Amphibians - cytogenetics of newts, giant genomes, European Triturus

9. Reptiles - cytogenetics of all main lineages (hateria, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, turtles), karyotypes with microchromosomes, reptile-bird cytotaxonomy

10. Birds - karyosystematics of particular groups as exemplified in primitive (loons) and advanced (corvids) birds, cytogenetics of owls, abberations in chicken chromosomes

11. Echidnas, platypus and marsupials - sex chromosome systems, X chromosome inhibition, exotic sex chromosome systém in platypus

12. Placental mammals - diversita of karyotypes, karyotype and chromosome population variability (Sorex, Mus), karyotype differentiation trends, chromosome chnage and speciation, human cytogenetics as best studied mammal

13. Main theories of karyotype/chromosome evolution, heterotic rearrangements, speed of karyotype evolution, Quymsieh´s hypothesis.


Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only. 3 lectures is intended to introduce the evolution of higher genome architecture of vertebrates - chromosomes and chromosomal characteristics. Beside basic and necessary knowledge regarding the vertebarte genomes, lectures are to review cytotaxonomic data avalibale for particular vertebarte groups (at familial level or at specific or genus level in interesting/and or evolutionary important groups) and to describe main types of chromosomal rearrangements differentiating karyotypes, their molecular background and ti provide review of recent views to mechanisms and processes of chromosome change and speciation in vertebrates