- Základní pojmy (sympatrie, alopatrie, parapatrie, peripatrie, syntopie, alotopie, septentrionalis / borealis, meridionalis / autralis, orientalis, occidentalis).
- Regionální zoogeografie.
- Historická zoogeografie.
- Dynamická / ekologická zoogeografie.
- Vikarianční zoogeografie.
- Antropogenní zoogeografie.
- Ostrovní zoogeografie.
- Zoogeografické struktura středoevropské fauny.
- Různé způsoby mapování rozšíření živočichů (síťové mapování) .
Další informace najdete na webových stránkách:
Basic terminology (sympatry, alopatry, parapatry, peripatry, syntopic, alotopic, septentrionalis / borealis, meridionalis / autralis, orientalis, occidentalis).
- Regional zoogeography.
- Historical zoogeography.
- Dynamic / ecological zoogeography.
- Vikariant zoogeography.
- Anthropic zoogeography.
- Island zoogeography.
- Zoogeographical composition of the fauna of Central Europe.
- Various approaches to the mapping of animal distribution (grid maps).
Additional information you will find on web address:
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Basic terminology (sympatry, alopatry, parapatry, peripatry, syntopic, alotopic, septentrionalis / borealis, meridionalis / autralis, orientalis, occidentalis). - Regional zoogeography. - Historical zoogeography. - Dynamic / ecological zoogeography. - Vikariant zoogeography. - Anthropic zoogeography. - Island zoogeography. - Zoogeographical composition of the fauna of Central Europe. - Various approaches to the mapping of animal distribution (grid maps).
Additional information you will find on web address: http://vertebrata.natur.cuni.cz/for-students-in-czech-/materialy-k-prednaskam/
Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only. Fundamentals of zoogeography: Regional zoogeography - Historical zoogeography - Dynamic zoogeography - Island zoogeography - Factors affecting the animal distribution - Continental drift - Mothods of the grid mapping of the animal distribution - Zoogeographical composition of the Central-European fauna. The lecture is intended for students in any field of zoology. Examination is oral.
Buchar J., 1983: Zoogeografie. Praha, SPN.
Pielou E. C., 1979: Biogeography. New York: John Wiley.
Sedlag U., Weinert E.: Biogeographie, Artbildung, Evolution. Worterbücher der Biologie. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag.