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Evolutionary and ecological immunology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Introduction to evolutionary thinking in immunology and biomedical research

Outline of the lecture

Evolution in diseases and its implications for biomedical research

Definition of basic terms in evolutionary biology, immunology, epidemiology and parasitology that are needed to begin

Brief recapitulation of basic evolutionary principles

Evolutionary forces posing on the parasite

Interaction of parasite with host population

Basics of epidemiology and disease ecology

Immune system as a complex system of protective layers

Immune system structure

Anti-parasite behaviour

Immune system s.str. (principles and mechanisms)

Brief phylogeny of immunological mechanisms

Strategies of immune defence

Specificity and adaptivity

Immunologically relevant variation in animal genomes

Sources and types of genetic variability

What can be learnt from individual molecular markers

Human genetic variability

Interspecific and intraspecific genetic variability

Variability in inbred strains

Somatic genetic variability

Variability in adaptive immunity

Cancer as a microevolutionary process

Host-parasite coevolution: Drift & selection

Heritability of immune function

Genetic drift

Parasite-mediated natural selection

Red queen model

Arms race

Conditions of host-parasite coevolution

Testing selection

Selection for loss

Coevolution within proteins and on distance

Evolutionary constraints

Host-parasite coevolution: Maintenance of variability in immune related genes

Polymorphism observed in immune-related genes

Parasite-mediated natural selection

Balancing selection and its types

Gene-for-gene model, Matching alleles model and a continuum between them

Qualitative and quantitative resistance

Trans-species polymorphism

Immunity-immunopathology balance

Parasite-induced pathogenesis - types


Response exhaustion

Parasite-induced immunopathology

Evolutionary consequences of immunopathology

Association between genotype and immunopathology

Evolutionary causes for immunopathology and autoimmune diseases

Trade-off principle in immunopathology

Autoimmunity and molecular mimicry

Hygiene hypothesis of allergy

Speciation, hybridization and evolution of immunity

Types of speciation

Parasite pressures on differential adaptations in populations

Interspecific variability in immune defence

Host-parasite relationships in phylogeny

Effect of hybridisation

Convergence in immunity

Ecological immunology

Ecological factors modulating immune function

Non-genetic variability in immune function (environment, maternal effects)

Costs of immune defence

Obligatory vs. facultative costs

Resistance vs. tolerance

Immunological trade-offs


Physiological factors modulating immune function

Neuro-immune interactions

Direct and indirect effects of immunity on behaviour


Hormones and immunity

Melatonin and biorhythms

Stress and decrease in immune responsiveness


Immunological differences between sexes

Sexual selection and evolution of anti-parasite resistance

Concept of sexual selection

Models of parasite-mediated sexual selection

Indicator hypothesis - ornaments and health

"Good genes" vs. "Complementary genes" hypothesis

MHC-based mate choice

Hypotheses on evolution of MHC variability

Linking outer phenotypic traits to health and immunogenetics

Honesty of health signalling

Carotenoid-based ornaments as a model system

Hypotheses on significance of ornamentation in disease resistance evolution

Physiological pathways linking ornaments to health (Foraging ability hypothesis, Carotenoid trade-off hypothesis, Immunocompetence handicap hypothesis, Antioxidant role hypothesis, Oxidation handicap hypothesis, ‘Red herring‘ hypothesis, Carotenoid maintenance handicap hypothesis)

Evolutionary context of aging and degenerative diseases

Ontogeny of immunity

Physiological causes of aging

Ageing and immunosenescence

Possible evolutionary reasons for aging

Implications of aging and immunosenescence to reproduction

Terminal investment hypothesis

Final seminar

Brief presentations of students’ essays and discussion

The course is taught with the support of the project reg. number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362


Evolutionary ecology combines aspects of various biological disciplines that where earlier distinct, such as evolutionary biology, immunology and parasitology. Evolutionary thinking has recently started to infiltrate into immunological research, establishing a new branch of investigation termed evolutionary and ecological immunology.

This change in perspectives is potentially valuable both for basic research and practical applications in biomedicine as it may help to explain differences between individuals in their immune function. Understanding the circumstances of emergence and evolution of the immune system is also important from the point of view of zoological research of animal evolution and ecological investigation of relationships between organisms.

This series of lectures devoted to evolutionary and ecological immunology links information on the immune system function (variability and redundancy of mechanisms, molecular polymorphism, constrains and failures of immunity) with the knowledge of principles and mechanisms of host-parasite/pathogen evolution. Where possible examples from biomedicine are provided and usage of the evolutionary ecology in classical immunology is mentioned.

The concept of lectures allows students to gain basics of evolutionary biology even without previous experience in this discipline. The course is taught in English and only if at least 5 students are enrolled.

In cases of ordered or recommended distance learning, the teaching of this course is realised through online presentations that are subsequently shared with the students through Moodle and/or Google Apps. The course begins in the week from 2rd October 2023.