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Advanced field course in zoology

Class at Faculty of Science |


Study of insects, chelicerates, molluscs and other invertebrate animals, also of birds, lizards, snakes, bats and other vertebrate animals. Collecting and demonstration of specific animal societies on different natural habitats in the Czech Republic: meadows, steppes, forests, rivers, streams, lakes, artificial lakes, etc.

Determination of taxa on different taxonomic levels.

Study of biology and behaviour of species in natural conditions.

Elaboration of simple research projects (e.g., entomofauna of oak forest, daily activity of birds).


This zoological course is a field course introducing fauna of the Czech Republic. The lectures are given in both languages - Czech and English. The main focus of the five-day excursion is hands-on training in determination and field observation of animals and ecological conditions of habitats. The location of the excursion is in the warmest part of the country - National Park Podyjí in Southern Moravia. The course will cover both vertebrates and invertebrates.

There are some costs associated with this excursion: students have to cover cost of transportation to and from the NP Podyjí (e.g., public transportation), accommodation at the field station (300 CZK per night) and food (possibility to use kitchen with basic equipment, there is also a small shop and restaurant in the village).

In the year 2024 the field course will be held during 5.-10.5.2024.

Other detail information will be sent to enrolled students in March 2024.