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Field Course in Ornithology

Class at Faculty of Science |

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Výklad a vysvětlení základních principů kvantitativních metod

Lokální avifauna

Zjišťování početnosti volně žijících ptáků

Odchyt ptáků

Určování druhů ptáků


Please note, the lectures are given in Czech language. English version of the course can be requested in advance if there are at least 3 students. The field course is aimed at birds of typical habitats of Trebonsko Biosphere Reserve and its acoustic and visual identification.

Identification of birds is further used by application of methods of bird census (mapping method, point census, line transect, investigation of individually marked birds). Methods of catching and marking of birds also presented.

At least one day of the course will be aimed at training field research activities of paricipants.