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Teaching practice in biology - inspection of classes

Class at Faculty of Science |


Schedule of observation practice: 1. Logging in to the observation practice through a table shared by Dr.

Jelen - until 15.1. for observations in LS and by 15.6. for listening in ZS 2. Information meeting about 1 week before practice (online via Google Meet).

Second meeting - Discussion about seen lessons as preparation on the real observations. 3. Own weekly observation; count on the fact that the observation will make you busy for the whole week; 4.

Reflective meeting about 1 week after practice (online via Google Meet).5. Granting credits at the credit meeting after submitting records from the lessons and other materials and attending the reflex meeting.

Records can be submitted electronically.


In the 3rd year, the teaching practice is only observational, it takes the form of observation of teaching units atfaculty teachers.

Students are divided into groups of two to five. Each group monitors 1 week at selected schools at several faculty teachers of their qualifications subjects. The group usually observes 2-3 days in high school and 2 days in secondary school. The required number of observations is 10 hours per week.

In addition to registering the internship in the SIS, it is necessary to register for the internship via the table shared by dr. Jelen by 15.1. for LS and up to 15.6. for ZS to provide schools for practice.

In the case of distance learning, recordings of lessons taught on the Internet can be used for analysis and recording.