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Biology school experiments and observations

Class at Faculty of Science |


Topics will include for example: Human senses, Botanical inquiry, Cockroach dissection, Observation of trematode cercarias, Earthworm dissection - observation of spermatogenesis and parasitic gregarines, Osmosis, online Experiments with Vernier, creating models of biological processes and objects. Students' microteaching will be performed online in the last lesson.


This practical course shows students several biological practical exercises which they can later use while teaching at grammar school or at high school both in present or online. It is designed for pre-service biology teachers but is open for anybody who wants to experience hands-on activities. Students have to prepare, demonstrate, and explain their own biological practical course / hands-on activity (in present or online) to gain experience and to pass the course. This course will be opened for at least 5 students.

The course starts on 16th Oct 2020