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Collections and their secrets

Class at Faculty of Science |


Collections in the Faculty of Sciences contains numerous interesting specimens which are hidden for majority of our students. There is no enough of time to show them during lectures and practices, however they may be most interesting for keen students. It is a case of anthropological, zoological or botanical collections where we found some unexpected surprises during last years. The aims of the subject are as follows

1) acquaint the students with natural history collections housed in buildings of the Biological section of the Faculty of Science as well as in other Prague institutions (e.g., National Museum, Institute of Anatomy of the 1st Faculty of Medicine).

2) Show them unique collection specimens.

3) Explain them how are collection used in scientific work.

4) Show them examples of preparation works. The subject will include close contact with collection specimens and will be hold directly in collection rooms (Faculty of Science, National Museum). In participants of the subject we are expecting at least basic knowledge of zoology and anatomy. The subject can provide an advantage for students who have interest to study systematic zoology, systematic botany or anthropology.