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Chemical information resources

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction libraries of Charles University – services, UK catalog quality and relevance of information, resources open science/open access, predatory magazines

2. Qualification work - thesis what is thesis, legislative choice of subject and supervisor thesis structure typographic principles the language of the academic text graphic processing of non-textual elements (tables, charts, diagrams, photographs) digital and printed versions

3. Software for writing thesis tips and tricks to effectively use software for writing (MS Word and Excel) chemical programs - structures, apparatus (ChemSketch, ChemDraw)

4. Information searching Tools and e-resources of CUNI How search information Citation database (Web of Sciecen and Scopus) Identifiers of authors and publications

5. Database from chemistry ScifinderN and Reaxys Patent database Multidisciplinary full-text databases useful for chemistry

6. Protection of intellectual property citation ethics, copyright, plagiarism Rules for the use of author's works - textual and non-textual Creative Commons Public License

7. Bibliographic description of documents Citation and citation tools Citation generators, citation managers Basic and advanced functions, connection with web browser and text editor the system of working with documents

8. Presentation of results of scientific work scientific documents presentation - lectures, defense poster - conference – abstract article - article submission process and essentials


The course teaches students practical procedures useful for writing a bachelor or master thesis. Participants will become acquainted with useful procedures for searching in scientific databases.

The procedures for the preparation of scientific communication in the form of a bachelor/diploma thesis, poster, lecture or article will be demonstrated.