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Praktikum z plynové chromatografie

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1. Introduction to GC. Description of GC main parts, column, liner and septuminstallation and exchange procedures. Servicing and cleaning of some GC parts. GCmethod creation and optimisation (flow rates, oven temperature, split etc.).2. External standard method. Calibration and quantitative determination of analyte in thetesting solution. Calculation of basic metrological parameters: SD, RSD, uncertaintyand accuracy.3. Gravimetrical preparation of standard solutions of volatile compounds. Tips andadvices. Dilution of the prepared solutions, creation of the validation experiments planand performing the validation itself. Linearity, precision, accuracy, uncertainty,sensitivity and other validation parameters evaluation.4. Continuation of previous work (3). Validation of two Internal Standard methods for theanalysis of alcoholic products and their comparison. Evaluation of the results.5. SPME method for GC-MS analysis of any selected object. Sample preparation,extraction, and measurement and GC-MS spectra evaluation. Literature search foradditional processing of the observed results.


Praktikum z plynové chromatografie je určeno zejména pro studenty magisterských a doktorských programů. Zahrnuje pět laboratorních úloh, které studentům umožní získat hlubší povědomí o klíčových aspektech plynové chromatografie, metodách přípravy a měření vzorků, vyhodnocení výsledků, včetně kvalitativní a kvantitativní analýzy, a validaci analytických metod.