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Separation methods

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. A survey of modern analytical separation techniques.

2. Theory of separations based on the concepts of differential migration of the analytes.

3. Physico-chemical principles of the underlying processes and interactions, i.e., transport phenomena (diffusion, convection), solubility (precipitation, coprecipitation, dissolution), adsorption, ion exchange, size exclusion, biological recognition.

4. Single step separation methods - precipitation and co-precipitation, electrodeposition, liquid-liquid extraction.

5. The theory of chromatography and of electromigration.

6. Planar and column chromatographic techniques.

7. Paper chromatography (principle, stationary and mobile phases, detection techniques, applications).8. Gas chromatography - theory of dissolution of gases in liquids, selection of stationary phase, instrumentation for GC - injectors, packed and capillary columns, detectors (TCD, FID, ECD, MS etc.), temperatuer programming, derivatization, pyrolysis GC, applications.9. High-performance liquid chromatography - adsorption, chromatography on chemically bonded stationary phases,, ion-exchange, exclusion and bioafinity chromatography (principle, selection of mobile phase, aplications). HPLC instrumentation (pumps, injectors, columns, detectors, mobile phase programming). Derivatization, applications.10. Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography (principle, selection of stationary and mobile phase, instrumenmtation, aplications).11. Electromigration techniques overwiev. Electrophoretic migration and mobility. Ecectroosmotic flow and mobility.Electrical double layer and zeta potential. Velocity and temperature profiles. Instrument for CZE. CZE separation mechanism. Electropherogram. Calculation of mobilities. Weak electrolytes. Sample introduction. Detection. Analytical information of electropherogram. Applications.


The course of separation methods gives a survey of modern analytical separation techniques. General theory of separations. A summary of the physico-chemical principles like transport phenomena, solubility, adsorption, ion exchange, size exclusion, biological recognition. The theory of chromatography and of electromigration. A systematic description of important separation techniques. The course ends through a written exam.

Learning outcomes: After completing the course, the student will be able to describe modern analytical separation methods, use the general theory of separation, explain physico-chemical separation principles, define single-stage separation methods, clarify the theory of chromatography, explain electromigration, define planar and column chromatography techniques, explain the overview and division of electromigration methods, perform extraction, clarify supercritical fluid extraction, perform paper chromatography, perform thin layer chromatography, perform gas chromatography, perform liquid chromatography, clarify supercritical fluid chromatography and perform capillary electrophoresis.