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Non-aqueous Media in Analytical Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction.

2. Types of solvents and their characteristics. Meaning of apprehensions: amphiprotic, aprotic, polar and nonpolar.

3. Acidity and basicity in non-aqueous media. Activity coefficient of non-aqueous medium. Donor number of solvents.

4. Utilisation of volumetric analysis in non-aqueous media. Acib-base titrations and practical aspects of their utilisation. Redox titrations in non-aqueous media.

5. Non-aqueous solvents in spectroscopy. Spectrometry in UV, VIS and IR range.

6. Utilisation of non-aqueous solvents in extraction and chromatography.

7. Electroanalytical studies of organic compounds and complexes. Advantages of utilisation of non-aqueous aprotic medium.

8. Other horizon of utilisation of non-aqueous solvents.

9. Methods of purification and analysis of solvents.


This lecture describes the problems of using and advantages of non-aqueous solvents in analytical chemistry. Division of solvents and their basic characteristics from the point of view of work in non-aqueous media is discussed. Acidity and basicity in non-aqueous media.

The using of non-aqueous media in volumetric analysis, spectrophotometry, electrochemistry and in separation methods. The attention is also focused on the selection of solvents, their purification. Also theoretical aspects and advantages of work in non-aqueous solvents are discussed, namely at analysis with organic and biologically active substances.