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Special Spectrometric Methods

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Electron spectroscopy. Principles, basic relationships, characterization of methods. The induced emission of electrons: Emision induced by photons and particles (X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy) and by tunnel effect (auto-emission electron spectroscopy and microscopy). The changes in electron rays resulting from the interaction with sample: electron scattering (energy loss spectroscopy) and electron diffraction. Experimental (sources of radiation and particles, analyzers of energy, detectors), analytical application.

2. The surface analysis by ionic beams. Principles, basic relationships, characterization of methods. Emission of ions (mass spectrometry of secondary ions), non-elastic scattering of ions (Rutherford back scattering). Experimental, application.

3. Laser spectroscopy. Fundamental principles and characterization. Types of lasers- specification, features and application. The methods of linear spectroscopy. Absorption spectroscopy, principles and application: Laser diode spectroscopy, cavity ring down spectroscopy, Stark and Zeeman spectroscopy, optoacoustic spectroscopy, laser induced fluorescence, linear Raman spectroscopy. The methods of nonlinear spectroscopy: principles and application: Saturation sub- Doppler spectroscopy, two photon spectroscopy, multiphoton and multiquantum processes, CARS (coherent antistokes Raman spectroscopy). Special methods of laser spectroscopy: Time resolved spectroscopy, laser induced absorption, LIDAR, examples of remote sensing techniques for detection of atmospheric pollutants.

4. Neutron activative analysis. Principles, relationship between sample radiation activity and mass. Experimental: activation of samples, neutron sources, energetic dispersion and detection of emited g radiation. Analytical application, comparison of detection limits with methods of atomic spectroscopy.

5. Mossbauer spectroscopy. Principle of absorption of g radiation by nucleons, spectral parameters (isomer shift, quadrupole and magnetic spliting). Experimental (radiation sources, Doppler principle), applications.

6. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Principles, Michelson interferometer, mathematical of interferogram to spectrum. Experimental: radiation sources, detectors, reference laser. The advantages of FT-IR spectrometers, connection with external moduls. Analytical applications.

7. Flow-through methods of analysis. Principles and basic relationships. Segmented flow analysis (SFA): prevention of sample dispersion, merits and shortcomings of method. Experimental, detection and evaluation of signal. Analytical application. Flow injection analysis (FIA), sekvention injection analysis (SIA): controlled dispersion of sample, advantages. Experimental (effect of instrumental parameters on dispersion). Application. Gradient techniques (scanning, calibration, FIA titrations). Analytical applications.

8. Derivative spectrophotometry. Principle, derivative spectra of

1. to

4. order of gauss peak and double-peak. Possibilities to obtain the derivative spectrum: a) modification of optical part of spectrometer, b) electronic method. Quantitative evaluation of derivative spectrum. Applications.

9. Reference materials in spectrometric methods. Facilities to verify analytical results; definition and classification of reference materials; requirements. Manner of utilization of. reference materials, application in various analytical branches. Interpretation of reference materials analysis and GLP principle.


The lecture follows the fundamental lecture "Spectrometric methods" (C230P04) and is devoted to less common spectrometric methods. The theoretical principles, experimental set-up and examples of analytical applications are given for all selected methods.