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Information in Analytical Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction. Information and their circulation in chemistry. History of chemical information. Types and forms of sources of chemical information. Encoding of information.

2. Primary sources of chemical information (journals, patents, standards, laws, pharmacopoeias).

3. Secondary sources of chemical information (monographs and treatises, tables, atlases and collections, electronic databases).

4. Bibliographic description of documents.

5. Reference sources of chemical information. Reference journals (Chemical Abstracts). Reference handbooks (Beilstein, Gmelin). Electronic reference databases (SciFinder, Reaxys, Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, etc.).

6. Work with sources of chemical information. Recherche. Chemical libraries. Retrieval of primary documents. Personal documentation.

7. Creation and presentation of new information. General notes on treatment of research results. Laboratory records. Masters and doctoral thesis. Lectures. Conferences. Publication in journals. Evaluation of published information (cite number, impact factor). Financial support of research - grants.


The lecture introduces students to the issue of working with chemical information and their practical use. It is especially suitable as training for the preparation of the theoretical part of the bachelor’s or master’s thesis and for the correct writing.

The aim of the lecture is to get acquainted with the issue of information and its use in analytical chemistry, from the study of information published in chemical information sources, through their effective search and work with them, to the publication of their own results. Great attention is paid to work with electronic paper sources (SciFinder, Reaxys, Web of Science, Scopus, etc.) and the practical implementation of searches.

The principles of proper laboratory record keeping, writing professional texts and presentation of results are also discussed. Systems for evaluating the scientific work (impact factor, h-index, citation rate) and grant issues are mentioned.

The aim is to provide effective, practical guidance on the use of information and the creation of meaningful new information.