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Class at Faculty of Science |


• History of toxicology

• Basic toxicological terms

• Toxicokinetics

• Analytical toxicology, Assessment of toxicity

• Toxixodynamics

• Special toxicology I. (inorganic compounds)

• Special toxicology II. (organic compounds)

• Special toxicology III. (natural substances)

• Legislation, safety, and information in toxicology


The lecture gives a basic and comprehensive survey of toxicology of chemicals. It deals with general and special toxicology, legislation and safety in chemical laboratory. General toxicology explains toxic indices, their determination and interpretation, hazard and risk, mechanisms of absorption, distribution, biotransformation and elimination of chemicals in a body (toxicokinetics), mechanisms of toxic effects (toxicodynamics) and factors governing these effects. Physicochemical and biochemical interpretation of toxic actions is stressed. A chapter is devoted to analytical and predictive toxicology. The special toxicology gives a survey of toxicologically important compounds (inorganic, organic, and natural substances). The last part of a lecture deals with toxicological legislation and safety in chemical laboratory.

For Erasmus students the lecture it is taught only by self-study method combined with consultations.