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Mass spectrometry in biopolymer analysis

Class at Faculty of Science |


Common interpretation approaches for conventional and product ion mass spectra good for low molecular weight organics. Per analogiam method, spectra or biopolymers.

Electrospray and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, desorption electrospray, rapid evaporation/ionization mass spectrometry. Accurate mass and extreme mass resolving power analyzers (ion cyclotron resonance Fourier transform mass spectrometry, orbitrap), ion mobility mass spectrometry.

Miniaturization. Collision-induced dissociation, electron transfer dissociation, electron capture dissociation.

Analysis of peptides and identification or proteins: sample prep, mass determination, deconvolution, peptide fragmentation, peptide mapping, post-translation modifications, protein conformation, molecular interactions, proteomics, database search, protein quantitation. MS3D approaches, hydrogen-deuterium exchange, chemical crosslinking.

Surface-enhanced mass spectrometry. Analysis of nucleotides/nucleosides, saccharides, lipids.

Mass spectrometry imaging in medicine. Metabolomics and proteomics in infectious and tumour disease diagnostics.

Practical sessions: data collection on private samples (diploma thesis) on FTICR, TOF-TOF. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and electron microscopy demonstrations.


During the lectures, fundamentals, newest technologies and interpretation strategies will be reviewed. Basic knowledge acquisition will be guaranteed for students coming from diverse study fields.

Ion formation mechanisms, dissociation techniques and product ion mass spectra will be discussed during the lectures. Intraoperative mass spectrometry, imaging mass spectrometry in medicine, multimodal imaging, ion mobility, MS3D techniques and other recent tools will be reviewed.

Hands-on sessions with software tools (CycloBranch, mMass, etc.) will be organized.