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Structural analysis

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction to lecture, measurement of physical constants of organic compounds, organic elemental analysis (1 lecture)(Classification of organic substances, procedure for the identification and identification of organic substances, measurement of physical constants of organic substances, melting point, boiling point, refractive index, spectral constants, ...)2. Electron Spectrum (1 lecture / seminar)(Origin and interpretation of electron spectra, types of transitions, patterns, ...)3. MS spectra (3 lectures / seminars)(Basic principles of mass spectra interpretation of organic substances after ionization by common ionization techniques. Principle of fragmentation of basic structural types of organic substances after electron ionization. Specifics of mass spectra after ionization by soft ionization techniques, namely chemical ionization, spray ionization, plasma and laser desorption)4. NMR spectra (3 lectures / seminars)(Magnetic resonance phenomenon, measurement and NMR spectrometer. One- and two-dimensional spectra, their information content and use for determination of chemical structure.)5. IR spectra (3 lectures / seminars)(Theoretical aspects of vibrational spectra origin. Instrumentation of IR and Raman spectroscopy. Interpretation of vibrational spectra from the point of view of functional groups.)6. Practical training in organic matter identification (1 exercise)(Practical exercises for identification of organic compounds from provided information - elementary analysis, basic characteristics, spectra obtained by various techniques - complex view of individual spectra of organic substances)


The aim of this course is to acquaint students in the form of lectures and exercises with the problems of organic matter analysis and to teach them to orientate in the spectra of organic substances obtained by MS, NMR, IR and UV.