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Generation of Volatile Species of Elements

Class at Faculty of Science |


1)      What is generation of volatile species and why are we using it?

2)      Analytically useful volatile species

3)      Analytically useful hydrides

4)      Hydride active and non-active As species

5)      Sample preparation

6)      Mechanism of hydride generation

7)      Experimental approaches to hydride generation

8)      Interferences to hydride generation and their control

9)      Assessment of experimental approaches to hydride generation

10)   Atomization and detection - methods of analytical spectrometry

11)   Interferences to hydride atomization and their control

12)   Assessment of experimental approaches to hydride atomization/detection


Detection power of atomic spectrometry detectors can be substantially improved employing generation of volatile species (VG) of elements since separation from the sample matrix and high efficiency analyte transfer from sample to spectrometer are involved. In addition, VSG makes analyte preconcentration easy.

All these factors result in a superior sensitivity. VG is therefore ideally suited for trace and ultratrace elemental/speciation analysis.

This course overviews fundamentals, recent developments and perspectives of VSG to trace and ultratrace elemental analysis employing atomic spectrometry detectors.