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Speciation Elemental Analysis

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. What is speciation analysis: IUPAC definition, speciation and fractionation, specifics compared to trace element analysis, sources of information.2.

Methodology of speciation analysis - combination of separation and detection techniques (hyphenated techniques).3. Methodology of speciation analysis - HPLC-ICPMS and ESI-MS4.

Speciation analysis methodology - speciation analysis methods based on volatile hydride generation.Excursion in laboratories UIACH AVČR (GC- and HPLC-ICP MS, hydride speciation techniques).6. Collection, preservation and preparation of samples for speciation analysis.

Quality assurance during derivatization and detection7. Reference materials for speciation analysis, isotopic dilution, ICP-MS with laser ablation.Methods of analysis and specific application of individual elements:8.

Speciation analysis of arsenic9. Speciation analysis of antimony, selenium and mercury10.

Special analysis of tin, lead, chromium, platinum11. Problems of determination of nanoparticles.


The lecture is devoted to trace element speciation analysis, ie the analysis of individual forms - specimens of a given element, in contrast to the determination of the total element content. Basic concepts of speciation analysis, methodology - combining separation and spectrometric detection methods, and typical analytical applications for important elements will be explained.

If the epidemiological measures would not allow teaching in person, the lectures will proceed in interactive online form, using appropriate technical means.