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Presenting and public speaking

Class at Faculty of Science |


Speech structure - content and purpose of the message (general and specific), effective introduction and conclusion, clarity, logical continuityBody language - posture, posture, hand position, gestures, facial expression eye contact, use of spaceVoice - strength, speed, volume, pausesLanguage - choice of words, tone, sentences and sentences, parasitic expressions and soundsComparison, metaphors, humor, trinity, repetitionVisual aids - computer presentations, boards, flipchart, other aidsPreparation for speech - training, timing, preparation and use of notes, reading from text, preparation and checking of aids and techniquesFeedback - evaluation, constructive and positive feedback


Speaking in front of a larger or smaller audience is one of the most feared and most stressful situations for many people. This is a skill that can be developed relatively quickly by practicing, and thus increases your self-confidence and alleviates your fear of speaking to people. There are fundamental rules, which can make everyone a solid speaker. Lecture / seminar Presentation and public speaking aims to acquaint students with principles concerning the structure of speech, the use of voice, body language, eye contact with the audience, visual aids, and various rhetorical means. It will also include an analysis of recordings of speeches of different personalities. Students will also provide feedback to themselves by analyzing recordings of their speeches (in private, not in the class) and they will obtain independent feedback from the teacher.

After passing this course students can:

Prepare a speech with a clear, concise, and logical structure, an effective introduction that attracts the audience's attention, and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas, fixes them in listeners' memory and leaves the audience with a desired impact.

Clearly define the aim of the speech.

Work with stance, posture, hand position, hand gestures, eye contact, and facial expression to better keep audience's attention.

Work with voice, its strength and volume, pace of the speech and pauses to make the speech well comprehensible and avoid monotoneousness.

Choose and prepare appropriate visual aids to support the speech.

In the case of computer presentations, observe general rules for presentations.

Provide positive and constructive feedback to colleagues or themselves by evaluating a recording of their speech.